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Our Journey

A little bit about how and why we came to put a swimming pool in a shipping container (or 3).

All about

Swim in a tin

So what exactly does swimming in a tin mean?  Well it is a swimming pool and it is housed in a very big tin!  The pool itself is an endless pool which means that you set the pace of the current to match your swimming speed and swim “in one place”, no need to do laps, just swim!  And all of this is in a quiet, compact and private swimming space.

You don’t share the pool with anyone else (unless you book 2-2-1 child instructor sessions), you can measure exactly how far you have swum, you can control the pace and it’s clean and hygienic.

Find out more below and read more about why we decided to put a swimming pool in a container.

tin at sunset

Swim in a Tin?

Clean, bright, quiet, controllable, and just for you!

A quieter experience

Clean and Hygienic

Low chlorine/UV cleaning

Control your pace

Your own private space

Calculate your distance and swimming time

Coaching available

No need to share facilities

From founder Nick

"A swimming pool in a container?"

This is probably the most common question we have heard since we first conceived the idea of Swim in a Tin.  It’s closely followed by “Tell me more, sounds fun, how did that happen?”

My introduction to using an Endless Pool came from Helen (Co-Founder) purely by accident, I had entered for a “try a triathlon” event and as a self-taught swimmer, the swim was my biggest worry. Its “only” 400 metres, but it was a lot further than I thought. So at 50, I decided to learn how to swim properly, no more doing 1 length and then clinging to the end, out of breath for me.  I am still working on it!

Getting the practice in was always a nightmare and trying to find a time at my local pool that would fit with work and family was almost impossible. In fact, my swimming training often became Friday date night… not ideal. It surely shouldn’t be so difficult?

When I started talking to friends and colleagues about this, I discovered that I wasn’t alone.  So when an opportunity to provide a private swimming experience for 5 year olds and upwards with both instruction and “pay as you swim” options, I just had to explore the idea further.  

It turned out, buying a pool is (relatively) straight forward.  Finding the right location for it is far more difficult. Luckily we found ourselves talking to the amazing team at Squab Hall Farm and we grabbed the opportunity to tour some potential buildings.  Then our hearts sank when they suggested using a container… or in our case 3 containers. My imagination conjured up a picture of a cold, rusty old container.  It was hardly the tailored, friendly and boutique experience we were hoping to create.

Fortunately, the reality couldn’t be more different and once we fully engaged with the possibilities, Swim in a Tin was born.  We encourage you to come and see for yourselves just how far from that initial picture we’ve come.

Regardless of the unorthodox location, our primary passion, is providing a private, safe, welcoming swimming space which is inclusive and supportive of anyone looking to progress  their swimming, wellbeing and fitness journey.

Founder Helen's experience

"I had to overcome this fear"

I remember so vividly at the age of 7 when I was asked as part of a school lesson to swim 20 meters. I started in the shallows, and then 2 metres from the end as I frantically tried to doggy paddle across the diving pool, ran out of puff. I sank like a stone and had to be pulled out. I didn’t get back in again.

Roll forward 40 years to a family holiday.  My eldest son glided up and down the pool doing a perfect front crawl and the younger one asking for the umpteenth time why I wouldn’t get into the pool, and I realised that I had to overcome this fear.

To add to my phobia of swimming I was incredibly self conscious and hated the walk from the changing rooms to the pool. Thankfully, after much searching, I found a private pool with a great coach and have never looked back.

Swim in a Tin was formed for everyone who feels the same as I did. The changing rooms, the crowded pool, the confident swimmers splashing past, the noise of groups of people – the list is endless. Swim in a Tin is just for you, founded by people who understand and care and want you to never have to look back.

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Take control of

your swimming goal

A safe, private, personalised space to swim, train or learn with qualified, supportive coaches